Advantages of Acquiring Certification
"Prospects of Open Source Software Database (OSS-DB)"
OSS-DB has been strengthened continuously and contains similar points with the commercial database in both function and performance. It is now the most widely used in mission-critical platform systems.
With a wider selection of databases, an era has approached where people can now select a database suitable for their desired function, performance and cost.
The transition from commercial database to OSS-DB is rapidly advancing, reflecting the demands for optimized cost, efficiency in work, shorter implementation time, etc.
We are now at a time where a OSS-DB can be selected because it is suitable for its desired function, performance and costs.
The OSS-DB professional certification was developed to certify database engineers most needed by companies.
Engineers needed by companies are:
Certified OSS-DB engineers are:
OSS-DB Silver
According to the common career/skill framework of "IT Skill Standard (ITSS)", the OSS-DB professional certification exam is effective over a wide range of jobs as shown below.
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